Our Approach
Each customer has their own objectives and goals. Each project needs to be evaluated at many different levels. Not only do individual components need to be evaluated, but there totality must be considered before settling on final designs. With the complexity of modern systems constantly increasing, specifications can be an evolving project. I have seen systems that meet specifications, but don’t meet customer needs, these systems are failures. It is my belief that the most import deliverable is a system that functionally meets all of the customers needs and not just the specifications.
My Story
From an early age I have been interested in astronomy, physics, and engineering. As I progressed in my education experimental astrophysics seemed to incorporate all of these disciplines into one discipline. I pursued several degrees in physics and astrophysics. For my thesis project I constructed a radio telescope to observe the polarization anisotropy of the remnant energy from the big band (CMB). The construction of the telescope was a large interdisciplinary project that allowed me to develop and hone many skills. As graduate school wrapped up and I found myself teaching Astronomy and physics, I realized I missed the hands on and trouble shooting of making complex systems. I have been developing custom millimeter wave systems from 10 GHz up to 200 GHz for over 10 years.
Here I am

Brian Williams Ph.D.
Founder / President
Contact me anytime
RF technology is my passion, I love talking about it, reading about it, and having open discussions about related technologies. Please contact me and we can open a dialog.
Let’s Talk about it!